After working for a home builder for the last few years, I realized there was a lack of education and skill being passed down to my generation of construction professionals and laborers. I decided I wanted to do something about this the best way I knew how.
That is how my passion for inspecting was born. My mission is to educate and improve the lives of as many folks as I can through my knowledge of construction.
Black Bear Inspections provides thorough, unbiased, detailed, real estate inspections. We offer a full menu of inspection services to realtors and their clients, existing homeowners, real estate investors, and home builders.
Our founder Mathew Dada is a licensed inspector with the Texas Real Estate Commission (Lic#23337); certified building inspector with the International Code Council (Cert. #8822571), certified energy inspector with the International Code Council (Cert. #8822571), certified inspector with the International Association of Home Inspectors (#Nachi18092625) and a certified inspector/installer with the Post Tension Institute.
He also holds a Bachelor's degree in Construction Science and several years experience in the construction industry working for one of the top home builders in Texas, as a construction superintendent and project manager. Experience Matters!
Black Bear Inspections, INC.